Friday, August 25, 2006

Mitt's Evangelical Breakthrough

The American Spectator: Mitt's Evangelical Breakthrough: "Romney had a genuine conversion on the abortion issue,' French acknowledged. 'In that he is no different than Ronald Reagan.' He might have added George H.W. Bush, who was embraced by pro-lifers in 1988 despite a pro-choice past. "

Thursday, August 24, 2006

It’s Never Too Early to Gear Up for ’08 Race

It’s Never Too Early to Gear Up for ’08 Race - New York Times:
"Mr. Romney has four full-time workers in Iowa and three in South Carolina, his aides said. And the candidates themselves do seem to be everywhere, in what officials in both parties take as a sign of how times have shifted."

National Security Credentials Key for 2008 GOP White House Hopefuls - National Security Credentials Key for 2008 GOP White House Hopefuls:
"Romney, the current chairman of the influential National Governors' Association, is known for bucking the liberal social trend in his state, most notably on gay marriage. At the same time, he is experimenting in Democratic territory with universal health care in his state. Romney argues the fiscal logic, saying it makes more sense to pay for preventive care before uninsured low-income residents face more expensive hospital bills."

Romney 'Thinking' About Presidential Run

KTIV: Romney 'Thinking' About Presidential Run:
"As for Romney... he says he's 'thinking' about running for President in 2008. And that's why spending time in Iowa, with fellow Republicans, is crucial. 'Iowa makes a huge impact on the selection in each party of their national nominee and that's a good thing because Iowans focus on 08,' said Romney. 'They focus on presidential races. The spend the time to get to know the candidates and that's a real service to the nation.'"

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why McCain camp frets about Romney in Iowa

Why McCain camp frets about Romney in Iowa:
"'Of all the 2008 Republican presidential candidates making the rounds in Iowa, none is doing better than Mitt Romney,' Yepsen reported to readers last month. With that sort of review, Romney has also, according to Iowa politicos, roused the attention of the McCain camp."

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Michigan Activist Wants To Make Sure You Know Mitt Romney

National Journal: A Michigan Activist Wants To Make Sure You Know Mitt Romney:
"In the space of about six months, Romney, a Massachusetts governor, a Mormon, a Republican who recently favored abortion rights and civil unions for gays, has become the darling of many elite conservative activists looking for an acceptable heir to President Bush and an alternative to John McCain."

Meet Mitt Romney (Video)

Meet Mitt Romney:
"Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has been widely recognized for his leadership and accomplishments in the worlds of both public service and private enterprise."

Monday, August 21, 2006

Romney golden to GOP in blue state

Romney golden to GOP in blue state - The Washington Times:
"California Republicans believe a handsome, blue-state Republican such as Mitt Romney would turn the presidential map upside down in 2008, appealing to the voters on both coasts who normally back Democrats in national elections. "

Former Conn. legislator takes over as Romney's chief of staff

Former Conn. legislator takes over as Romney's chief of staff -
"Beth Myers, chief of staff to Gov. Mitt Romney, is leaving state employment to serve as director of the Commonwealth PAC, the committee Romney is using to support his travel and to fund state candidates as he weighs a run for president in 2008. "

Could ancestors haunt Romney?

Salt Lake Tribune - Could ancestors haunt Romney?:
"'Within the Republican primary, when you get into South Carolina, God knows if polygamist roots will hurt him,' Ballenger says. 'Maybe something like that would cost him enough votes. [But] maybe I'm being too reasonable, I find it hard to believe that will be much of an issue.' "

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Romney: U.S. Needs Skilled Immigrants

Romney: U.S. Needs Skilled Immigrants - Los Angeles Times:
"'It is wrong for us to build an absolute concrete wall against those with skills and enterprise,' he said, referring to foreign students who come here for advanced study, 'and have a wide open door for people with no education and no skills.' "