Friday, September 29, 2006

Mitt Romney's problem

Mitt Romney's problem
"So will the whiz-kid governor be doomed by the Book of Mormon? Not necessarily. That 37% is certainly not an encouraging figure. But back in 1960 35% of people told pollsters that they would have qualms about voting for a Catholic, and in that year a Catholic reached the White House. Today, 21% of people say they would have qualms about voting for an evangelical; time may tell differently. For most voters, religion is just one factor among many that they consider: there is a difference between rejecting a generic Mormon and rejecting a smooth operator with a plan for universal health insurance."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

For McCain and Romney, the gloves are still on -- but so is the fight

For McCain and Romney, the gloves are still on -- but so is the fight
"At first blush, it sure looks like some classic one-upmanship – not that either side wants it portrayed that way, mind you.“I can only speak for us, but we have a plan and a program in place, and we’re just moving forward with it,” said Mike Dennehy, McCain’s chief strategist in the state. "

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Romney receives backing in Iowa for 2006 -- and perhaps 2008

Romney receives backing in Iowa for 2006 -- and perhaps 2008 -
"'I saw in Gov. Romney a leader that I could put my trust in, somebody I thought would inspire other Republicans to follow,' he said.

Rants added: 'I will speak for myself; I hope he has plans beyond 2006.'"

Bruce Keough Joins Romney's PAC

Hotline On Call: Bruce Keough Joins Romney's PAC:
"New Hampshire Republicans say that Romney, who fortuitously owns a vacation home in the state, has heavily courted Sen. Judd Gregg and his influential chief of staff, Joel Maiola. Both were said to have responded well to the attention, but neither has yet to formally, or even privately, commit to any candidate. In 2000, Maiola was an early advocate of George W. Bush’s and directed his New Hampshire primary campaign. Rath is part of Gregg’s inner circle of advisers."

Bruce Keough Joins Romney's PAC

Hotline On Call: Bruce Keough Joins Romney's PAC:
"New Hampshire Republicans say that Romney, who fortuitously owns a vacation home in the state, has heavily courted Sen. Judd Gregg and his influential chief of staff, Joel Maiola. Both were said to have responded well to the attention, but neither has yet to formally, or even privately, commit to any candidate. In 2000, Maiola was an early advocate of George W. Bush’s and directed his New Hampshire primary campaign. Rath is part of Gregg’s inner circle of advisers."

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Romney, Pataki, Bayh, Obama are Iowa-bound "Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is expected to lead off the end-of-month flurry today, when the Republican plans to speak to a Principal Financial Group Luncheon in Des Moines and campaign for state Rep. Danny Carroll in Grinnell."

McCain backer attacks Romney's religion

Wizbang Politics: "The real story is Mosteller's background as a consultant to and supporter of . . . John McCain. Article VI Blog has the details, and South Carolinians for Romney have even more.

South Carolinians remember John McCain as the man who lied to their faces in the 2000 primary debate, and was caught red-handed. The formerly Mainstream Media would have you believe McCain is always the victim of dirty campaigning, and never the instigator of it. The facts are otherwise. It seems his supporters have the spirit, too - they are trying to besmirch a potential opponent's religious beliefs before we are even past the midterm."

Romney tests '08 presidential waters

Exeter News-Letter Local News: Romney tests '08 presidential waters:
"Influential Republicans at the Scammans for a state Republican fund-raiser Sunday afternoon said they think Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney -- keynote speaker at the event -- could be the next president. But Romney stopped short of calling himself an official candidate when pressed by a horde of reporters."

Romney receives Iraqi policy briefing from Bremer

Romney receives Iraqi policy briefing from Bremer -
"Romney, a Republican considering a presidential run in 2008, has been trying to rapidly expand his knowledge of a region that has become the focus of U.S. foreign policy, and is a constant source of debate among his potential rivals, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz."

OpinionJournal - John Fund on the Trail

OpinionJournal - John Fund on the Trail:
"The tall barrier many see as blocking his acceptance by evangelical voters--the fact that many Americans view Mormonism with suspicion or worse--may prove to be a mirage. 'Everyone I talked to said they didn't have a problem with it,' one attendee told me. 'If enough people say that to each other, Romney creates a virtuous circle in which evangelical activists decide he's acceptable.' Ralph Reed, the former head of the Christian Coalition, notes that something similar has happened in recent years as devout Catholic and evangelical Protestants have increasingly focused on areas of agreement. 'Romney won't be the ideal choice for evangelicals, but against a McCain in the primary or a Hillary Clinton in the general election there's no doubt where most would go,' he says."

Monday, September 25, 2006

Rath, backing Romney, joins PAC as senior adviser - Monday, Sep. 25, 2006

Union Leader - Rath, backing Romney, joins PAC as senior adviser - Monday, Sep. 25, 2006:
"Veteran Republican strategist Tom Rath of Concord has chosen his candidate for the 2008 Presidential election: Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. "

Romney grilling ‘in bad taste’

The State | 09/24/2006 | Romney grilling ‘in bad taste’:
"Cindi Costa, a conservative Christian from Charleston and member of the Republican National Committee, waited outside the room. She earlier pleaded with Mosteller not to confront Romney.

“This makes me sick,” Costa said. “Your personal faith is not game in politics. It’s a private matter.”"