National Security Credentials Key for 2008 GOP White House Hopefuls - National Security Credentials Key for 2008 GOP White House Hopefuls:
"Romney, the current chairman of the influential National Governors' Association, is known for bucking the liberal social trend in his state, most notably on gay marriage. At the same time, he is experimenting in Democratic territory with universal health care in his state. Romney argues the fiscal logic, saying it makes more sense to pay for preventive care before uninsured low-income residents face more expensive hospital bills."
"Romney, the current chairman of the influential National Governors' Association, is known for bucking the liberal social trend in his state, most notably on gay marriage. At the same time, he is experimenting in Democratic territory with universal health care in his state. Romney argues the fiscal logic, saying it makes more sense to pay for preventive care before uninsured low-income residents face more expensive hospital bills."
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