Friday, November 03, 2006

As Romney winds down one job, the next task comes into view

As Romney winds down one job, the next task comes into view Times Daily Florence, AL:
"While there has been media speculation Romney would base a presidential campaign out of Michigan, his birth state, his closest aides say that is untrue.

Romney's political action committee, the Commonwealth PAC, is already established in Boston, and his closest advisers have homes and families in Massachusetts. Most important, aides say, is that Romney's own home is in Belmont, and among the 59-year-old's favorite things is to return to his house at the end of a run of campaign travel."

Eight lying in wait

Eight lying in wait Features The Australian:
"But a Democratic landslide on Tuesday is likely to play havoc with his perceived closeness to the Bush clan.
Romney has buddied up big time with Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who has reciprocated by donating the services of a top adviser. Also working for Romney is Sally Bradshaw, the president's former chief-of-staff, who advises his political action committee. "

White Horse in the White House (Subscription)

White Horse in the White House - Wall Street Journal:
"Though his family hails from Michigan and he is governor of Massachusetts, the lion's share of contributions to likely Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney come from Utah. This is hardly surprising. More than 70% of Utah's residents are, like Mr. Romney, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). As fellow Mormons, they feel a special kinship with him. Some even see in him the potential to fulfill a 160-year-old premonition by Mormon founder Joseph Smith, known as the 'White Horse Prophecy.'"

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Romney consults evangelical leaders

Romney consults evangelical leaders - The Boston Globe:
"Romney, who is ramping up preparations for a 2008 campaign, huddled privately at his Belmont home last Thursday with about a dozen evangelicals, including conservative activist Gary Bauer, president of the group American Values, and Richard Land, a prominent leader in the Southern Baptist Convention."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Allen's Fumbles, Romney's Gain

George F. Will - Allen's Fumbles, Romney's Gain -
"Such circumstances should entice many aspirants into the race. Yet with Allen much diminished and perhaps out of contention, and with Rudy Giuliani not yet doing serious groundwork for a national campaign, the Republican field is already down to two. That is good for only one of them: Romney."

Monday, October 30, 2006

Boston's Parade of Conservatives Washington Whispers:
"They probably feel a bit out of place, but we hear that Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is inviting conservatives-and especially Christian conservatives-to Beantown for 'cultivational' meetings and briefings on his 2008 Republican presidential campaign. Insiders say it's just like those treks to Austin many conservatives made to visit with George W. Bush before his run in 2000. If you think the Christian right would have a problem with a Mormon, you would be wrong. We hear he's wowing them just as he did last month when he spoke at the Family Research Council's 'Liberty Sunday' on protecting traditional marriage."

That’s the ticket? Speculation swirls over Mitt-Jeb pairing in 2008 - National Politics: That’s the ticket? Speculation swirls over Mitt-Jeb pairing in 2008:
"“There has been substantive talk between the two of them” about the possibility of the president’s younger brother running for vice president if Romney wins the nomination, one GOP source with knowledge of the Oct. 19 meeting told the Herald. “Everyone in Florida is expecting an endorsement by Gov. Bush (of) Romney.” "

Globe reporting of LDS e-mail unfair | Globe reporting of LDS e-mail unfair:
"So, if The Globe thought a politically oriented e-mail sent to 150 Mormons was a significant violation of tax-exempt status, how did The Globe react when the NAACP communicated its political agenda to millions? I think you know the answer. Let's just politely say that the response to the Mormon e-mail was disproportionate and unfair."

Sunday, October 29, 2006

War ended White House bid for Romney, but not Mitt

Salt Lake Tribune - Living History: War ended White House bid for Romney, but not Mitt:
"Given time, evangelicals may come to see that a living, breathing Mormon in the White House wouldn't be the end of the world. But it's always been true of American presidents that it is their character, and not their creed, which stamps some with greatness. "

Letter from Washington: For anti-McCain right, it's 'Mitt Romney in '08'

Letter from Washington: For anti-McCain right, it's 'Mitt Romney in '08' - Americas - International Herald Tribune:
"Grover Norquist, an anti-tax crusader who spearheads Republican issue coalitions in Washington, saw 'the party's base rallying around Romney' and dismissed any flip- flops as irrelevant. More important, Norquist said, was Romney's speech last month to 1,500 social conservatives at the Family Research Council: 'Romney wowed them.'"