Saturday, December 02, 2006

Mormon political clout grows

Mormon political clout grows -
"When Sen. Harry Reid becomes Senate majority leader next year, he will be the most powerful Mormon in Washington.

But that reign could be short-lived if Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney makes a bid for the presidency in 2008 and wins. Romney is considering a run in what is expected to be a wide-open field."

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Bottom of the Barrel - The Bottom of the Barrel - FOX Fan:
"Wavering? No. But out right reversing, yes. Romney seems to be a chameleon who adjusts his positions to suit the need of his environment. When he was running in a liberal state against the most liberal member of the Senate, he talked liberal. But now that he wants to win a Republican primary with a conservative base, he speaks their language."

Jonathan Martin on Republican Governor's Association & 2008 on National Review Online

Jonathan Martin on Republican Governor's Association & 2008 on National Review Online:
"Refusing to cede the spotlight to his early rival, McCain swooped into south Florida for a full slate of his own engagements. Romney backers scoffed at the attempt to steal their thunder. “It was a cheap C.R. move,” one prominent supporter of Romney sniffed, likening the senator’s appearance to College Republican tactics. "

As Governors Meet, McCain Comes Calling

As Governors Meet, McCain Comes Calling - New York Times:
"Mr. Romney has hoped, like George W. Bush in 2000 and Bob Dole in 1996, to use the overwhelming support of the Republican governors as a springboard to the presidential nomination. Mr. McCain served notice with his incursion that Mr. Romney could not take them for granted."

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mormon for president in 2008? (Vote)

Mormon for president in 2008? - Tucker -
"While Barack Obama may have to overcome his race to become president, intriguing potential Republican candidate Mitt Romney may have to overcome his religion. MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson discusses with Michael Graham, host of 'The Natural Truth' radio show in Boston."

GOP strategists: Impact of Romney's Mormonism exaggerated

Salt Lake Tribune - GOP strategists: Impact of Romney's Mormonism exaggerated:
"'The Mormon issue is way overstated,' said Mark McKinnon, a former chief media adviser to President Bush's 2004 campaign and a strategist now aligned with Arizona Sen. John McCain. 'In the end, it won't be much of an issue.' The comment was echoed by David Kensinger, a strategist for GOP Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, who is expected to announce his White House bid soon. 'The country will be ready for this [a Mormon president] at some point,' he said. "

Mitt Romney, and whether a Mormon can win the hearts of Southern Baptists, Methodists

Mitt Romney, and whether a Mormon can win the hearts of Southern Baptists, Methodists | Political Insider |
"That said, a prominent figure in Atlanta area church circles has stepped up to help bridge the gap between Romney and the GOP’s evangelical base.
Mark DeMoss is a Duluth-based public relations consultant who specializes in Christian ministries. Clients include both Billy Graham and his son, Franklin."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Romney 'courting' at Rankin GOP event

Romney 'courting' at Rankin GOP event - The Clarion-Ledger:
"But his visit Tuesday into the deep Bible-belt South coincided with this week's Time magazine story on whether a Mormon can reach evangelical Christians, especially in the South."

Economics Experts Join Romney's PAC

Economics Experts Join Romney's PAC -
"He hasn't even formed his presidential exploratory committee, but Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) has already signed up an economic brain trust to advise him, led by two former chairmen of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisers."

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Romney needs to talk about his Mormonism—now.

Romney needs to talk about his Mormonism—now. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine:
"When they're talking about your bloomers, it's time to clear a few things up. It's not that Romney should come clean about his clean laundry—he should please stay quiet about that—but now is the time to improve on his current approach, which has largely been to make fun of misconceptions about Mormonism. ('Take my wives, please' kinds of jokes.) If he doesn't define what his religion means to him, others will do it for him—focusing on the most loopy aspects. Constant questions and endless press coverage will get in the way of his larger task of pitching himself as the only 'true conservative' in the GOP race."

Evangelical pundit Hewitt touts value of blogs, Mitt Romney

Evangelical pundit Hewitt touts value of blogs, Mitt Romney:
"'Many in this room in the next year to year-and-a-half will be asked by students and the media, 'What do you think about Mitt Romney?'' he said, adding that once 'secular absolutists' get them to talk about theology, they open themselves to attack. 'If we begin to ask Mitt Romney about which [Morman] practices and doctrines he subscribes to, it cannot be capped. It will not be stopped.'"

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Media Obsession (Blog)

Evangelicals for Mitt: THE MEDIA OBSESSION:
"Does this make sense? Why are we not seeing similar questions and demands directed at Democratic supporters of Harry Reid? After all, as the single-most politically powerful Mormon in the history of the United States (instead of a presidential candidate currently trailing in the polls to better-known Republicans), shouldn't he be getting all the religious scrutiny right now? Why doesn't the media obsess over his faith? Does this make sense? Why are we not seeing similar questions and demands directed at Democratic supporters of Harry Reid? After all, as the single-most politically powerful Mormon in the history of the United States (instead of a presidential candidate currently trailing in the polls to better-known Republicans), shouldn't he be getting all the religious scrutiny right now? Why doesn't the media obsess over his faith? "

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Can a Mormon be President? Can a Mormon be President? -- Dec. 4, 2006 -- Page 1: "But church officials are wary of the impact Romney's candidacy could have on them--and on the portrayal of their faith. Yes, his campaign will bring attention and credibility to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), as the Mormons are formally known, and give them a chance to demystify their theology and customs."

Romney Leaving Mass. With Mixed Record

Romney Leaving Mass. With Mixed Record -
"While he can point to a major policy success in health care, his relationship with the Democratic-controlled legislature that made it possible is in tatters. His efforts to challenge the Democrats and promote Republican candidates for the legislature failed. His partner in the statehouse, Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, lost a bid to succeed him. And Romney is leaving office with the state GOP weaker than when he arrived."

The Taboo Pew (Opinion)

Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: The Taboo Pew:
"Mr. Romney, who has balanced the Massachusetts budget, reformed health care and stuck to his conservative social beliefs, is aware of this perception. Over the last few months, he has made several efforts to meet with conservative Christians and convince them that he shares their most sacred moral and social positions – such as opposition to abortion and gay marriage – no matter his theology. As a result, one can detect a mild surge of support on sites like"