Saturday, September 09, 2006

Romney: We can compete

"Potential presidential candidate and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney says he knows the antidote to economic woes that have plagued his native Michigan:
'Technology and education ... is always what leads a nation like ours to stay ahead of the world,' Romney told attendees at a Midland County Republicans luncheon Friday at the Midland Holiday Inn. "

Evangelical leader says "good government" is important in presidential candidate

Salt Lake Tribune - Evangelical leader says "good government" is important in presidential candidate:
"The Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, said Friday he would have no problem voting for a Mormon for U.S. president.
'We rejected an Evangelical [Harriet Meiers] for the Supreme Court and accepted a Catholic [Samuel Alito],' said Haggard, who was in Salt Lake City to address the Religion Newswriters Association's annual convention. 'It's a question of competence.' Evangelical Christians are more interested 'in good government,' than in religious affiliation, the founder and senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., said."

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Gov. Romney on Harvard Inviting Former Iran President to Speak on Sept. 10

GIBSON: If there should be a President Romney in 2008, how will he handle the Iran situation we face now?
ROMNEY: Well, I'm not going to forecast my personal future. That's something I will decide down the road.,2933,212814,00.html

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Romney at the Water's Edge ...

David Frum's Diary on National Review Online:
"As a former head of government, Khatami would normally be entitled to certain courtesies - courtesies that rather stick in the craw when it comes to the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Here is the governor's very eloquent response, released this afternoon, to the request for such courtesies from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "

Romney on the Terrorist in His Backyard

The Corner on National Review Online:
"Said Romney: “The U.S. State Department listed Khatami’s Iran as the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Within his own country, Khatami oversaw the torture and murder of dissidents who spoke out for freedom and democracy. For him to lecture Americans about tolerance and violence is propaganda, pure and simple.”"

Romney orders state agencies to boycott former Iranian president’s visit to Harvard

Local News Updates - Romney orders state agencies to boycott former Iranian president’s visit to Harvard -The Boston Globe:
"Governor Mitt Romney denounced Harvard University today for inviting former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami to speak at the school on Sept. 10 and ordered all state agencies to boycott the visit by refusing to provide state police escorts and other service typically given to former heads of state."

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Romney on a roll

WORLD Magazine | Weekly News, Christian Views:
"Amid a gaggle of events and gatherings one stood out: a Romney event on Aug. 18 at a coast resort. Nearly 1,000 people showed up and Romney's CommonwealthPac garnered more than $1 million. The locals were stunned: Where did that come from?"