Friday, February 18, 2005

Political State Report: straight from the trenches .:. Campaign 2004 / News / Local / Mass. / Activists focusing on Romney in S.C. / News / Local / Mass. / Activists focusing on Romney in S.C.
Might Romney's religion appease conservative Southern voters? That would be interesting since Latter-day Saints are not tradionally accepted by the South as their own.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

::.angus reid - centre for public opinion and democracy.::

::.angus reid - centre for public opinion and democracy.::Democrats and Republicans in Georgia are polled on whom they would vote for in 2008.

Mitt Romney vs. the Boys from Boston

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Call - News - 02/13/2005 - 2008 election rumors simmer

The New York Times > Opinion > Editorial: Stem Cell Politics in Massachusetts

The New York Times > Opinion > Editorial: Stem Cell Politics in Massachusetts

Mitt Romney takes a stand against stem cell research / News / Local / Mass. / Looking at Romney in a more national light / News / Local / Mass. / Looking at Romney in a more national light
Should Romney quit the 2006 Gubernatorial races to spend more time on his 2008 campaign?

MetroWest Daily News - Columnists

MetroWest Daily News - Columnists
Is Romney sacrificing Massachusetts' economic health for national political ambitions?

Monday, February 14, 2005 - Local Politics: Governor on right track for White House run - Local Politics: Governor on right track for White House run
What is Romney's purpose in his stem cell stance?

WHDH-TV - hiller - Hiller Instinct: Romney on the Ropes? / News / Politics / Presidential candidates / Romney campaign coffers growing
