The Mormon who might just go all the way
The Mormon who might just go all the way - Sunday Times - Times Online:
"Romney has made enormous strides in persuading them that on their key issues — abortion, marriage, gays, stem cells — he is indeed one of them. But the worry remains that the base won’t really turn out for a Mormon. And so the religious right, bereft of alternatives, may find itself hoist on its own theocratic petard. Maybe, eventually, they will learn to moderate. But only, I suspect, if the sole alternative is President Hillary Clinton.
And so Romney’s deepest asset may well become finding the right opponent. And that, paradoxically, is up to the Democrats."
"Romney has made enormous strides in persuading them that on their key issues — abortion, marriage, gays, stem cells — he is indeed one of them. But the worry remains that the base won’t really turn out for a Mormon. And so the religious right, bereft of alternatives, may find itself hoist on its own theocratic petard. Maybe, eventually, they will learn to moderate. But only, I suspect, if the sole alternative is President Hillary Clinton.
And so Romney’s deepest asset may well become finding the right opponent. And that, paradoxically, is up to the Democrats."
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