Friday, November 17, 2006

Hey, Mitt, don’t blame this messenger (Column) - Herald Columnists: Hey, Mitt, don’t blame this messenger:
"It all started in 2002. Before Mitt decided to come back from Utah to run for governor, he was perceived as no threat to the hackerama and was thus treated as a hometown hero. He’d been beaten like a rented mule by Ted Kennedy and hadn’t said boo. That made him Good People - at least as good as any Republican can be. Here’s the headline from the Globe magazine of Feb. 3, 2002:

“Lord of the Rings: How Mitt Romney Saved the Winter Olympics.”

Eight weeks later, on March 31, after it had become clear that Mitt was running for governor, the same boring broadsheet ran this headline on the front page, above the fold:

“Romney Overstates Rescue of Games.” "


Blogger Rick said...

So does Mitt have a plan for public higher education, other than to ruin it?

1:43 PM  

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