Romney's Mormon allies (Editorial)
Romney's Mormon allies - The Boston Globe:
"Non-Catholics were unduly fearful that the worldly Kennedy would take orders from the Vatican. But Romney appears all too willing to entangle religion and politics. Voters who practice a different faith, or none at all, deserve assurances that he can separate the demands of public life from the urgings of Salt Lake City."
"Non-Catholics were unduly fearful that the worldly Kennedy would take orders from the Vatican. But Romney appears all too willing to entangle religion and politics. Voters who practice a different faith, or none at all, deserve assurances that he can separate the demands of public life from the urgings of Salt Lake City."
Whoa! These guys just can't leave it alone. I counted four flat out lies here:
1) "...a top church official held a meeting with Romney's son at church headquarters in Salt Lake City to discuss a fund -raising initiative among Mormons."
First, they presume much to say that "fundraising" was the topic of the meeting. They have no way of knowing what topics were actually discussed. To an even lesser degree do they know what the "top church official's" response was to their supoosed request for help.
2) "The church also ought to make sure that all its leaders, including Jeffrey R. Holland, who organized the meeting, stop helping the campaign."
Jeffrey R. Holland did not organize the meeting. additionally, they have absolutely no evidence or even an allegation that Elder Holland has been "helping the campaign". Their next statement that his involvement would be "tantamount to endorsement by the church" is dead on and nobody knows this better than the church leaders themselves. This is why they will go to extremes to distance themselves from the campaign now.
3) Gov Romney's comments showed a "lack of concern about the issue". Quite to the contrary. I'm sure the Governor is very concerned about this issue as he is confronted with it every day. He will do what every other presidential contender has done since the beginning of time, raise gobs of money starting with the people he knows best regardless of religion, creed or color. He is well-known and well-respected within the LDS Community and they will enthusiasticaly support him in his presidential bid (AS WILL MANY NON-LDS).
4) "Romney appears all too willing to entangle religion and politics."
If his campaign staffers did cross a line (which is not established fact) they have learned a quick lesson and are showing 100% willingness to play by the rules from now on.
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