Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Real Mitt Romney (Blog)

The Real Mitt Romney|| RedState: "Mitt Romney seems to have answered half of that question ('I'm here to run for President'). But he's failed to give proper attention to answering the first part, leading to many within the party feeling uncertain as to whether he is a liberal who belongs in the Blue Dog Democrat camp, a plain vanilla moderate, or a conservative. And the more you delve into his record, the less clear the answer to the question of who Mitt Romney really is, becomes.

Up until last year, I hadn't heard much about Mitt Romney. The main things I knew were that he featured on Human Events' list of Top 10 RINOs, together with characters like Lincoln Chafee--who www.issues2000.org actually categorizes as a liberal--and that he was the preferred choice for the presidency of a gay friend who is very active in working to entrench gay rights within our system of civil rights, who is politically well-connected in New England (including in Massachusetts Republican circles) and who cited Romney's support--on the record and off-- for civil unions as a big plus in his view."


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