Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Column: Romney betrays red roots for blue legacy

Meadville Tribune - Column: Romney betrays red roots for blue legacy: "My problem is that as Romney rides off to do battle for the White House, he leaves behind a state party without much more of a pulse than it had when he arrived. My problem is that, come Election Day this November, four years after Romney vowed to rebuild the Massachusetts GOP, the chances are slim and none that there will be any more Republicans in the Legislature than there are now. Yes, the party promises, in full political spin mode, that there will be more challengers forthcoming. But at this point they are few, and those out there are, in large measure, inexperienced and underfunded. The party just recently scraped up candidates for attorney general and secretary of state. It has nobody running for treasurer. And now is not the time to be grooming candidates anyway. That should have started the day after the elections in 2004."


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